LOCATION: Madrid, Spain
Hace poco me propusieron algo nuevo. Una web llamada withlocals pone en contacto a viajeros con gente local. Puedes disfrutar de cenas, tours por la ciudad, degustaciones, talleres etc con gente de la ciudad que visites. Me pareció una idea estupenda y decidí probar.
Miki, Elena y yo fuimos a probar una cena española y vegana en casa de Chity y Carlos. Era nuestra primera vez yendo a cenar a casa de unos desconocidos y era su primera vez recibiendo a alguien y ninguno sabíamos que esperar. Por nuestra parte fue una experiencia super positiva llegamos a su casa que era super acogedora y nos habían preparado una cena preciosa y super cuidada. Además aprendimos a cerca de otro modo de vida, aprendimos de cocina vegana y de como conseguir una amplia variedad de alimentos limitando los ingredientes.
Ellos dos fueron encantadores y además de prepararnos la cena nos enseñaron a hacer algunas recetas en su cocina. Me apasionó todo lo que nos contaron, fue una noche estupenda y recomiendo 100% estas oportunidades que nos proporciona withlocals. Aunque al principio suene raro y no sepamos bien donde vamos por mi parte fue digno de recordar. He preparado un vídeo donde lo explico todo bien y donde podéis ver algunas imágenes de la cena. Espero que os guste!
Recently I was proposed to do something new. A website called withlocals contacts travelers with local people. You can enjoy dinners, city tours, tastings, workshops etc with people of the city you are visiting. It seemed like a great idea so I decided to try it.
Miki, Elena and I went to try a Spanish vegan dinner at Chity and Carlos' place. It was our first time going to dinner at the home of strangers and was also their first time having someone thye didn't know and none of us knew what to expect. For us at least, was a super positive experience we got their place and they were super nice and friendly and had prepared a lovely dinner and super careful. We also learned about another way of life, vegan cooking and we learned how to eat variety with a limited range of food ingredients.
They were both lovely, they prepared the dinner and also taught us how to do some recipes in their kitchen. Everything they told us fascinated me, it was a wonderful night and recommend 100% these opportunities withlocals brings. Although at first it sounds weird and do not know where we are going well for me was worth remembering. I have prepared a video where I explain all well and where you can see some moments of the dinner. I hope you like it!
Recently I was proposed to do something new. A website called withlocals contacts travelers with local people. You can enjoy dinners, city tours, tastings, workshops etc with people of the city you are visiting. It seemed like a great idea so I decided to try it.
Miki, Elena and I went to try a Spanish vegan dinner at Chity and Carlos' place. It was our first time going to dinner at the home of strangers and was also their first time having someone thye didn't know and none of us knew what to expect. For us at least, was a super positive experience we got their place and they were super nice and friendly and had prepared a lovely dinner and super careful. We also learned about another way of life, vegan cooking and we learned how to eat variety with a limited range of food ingredients.
They were both lovely, they prepared the dinner and also taught us how to do some recipes in their kitchen. Everything they told us fascinated me, it was a wonderful night and recommend 100% these opportunities withlocals brings. Although at first it sounds weird and do not know where we are going well for me was worth remembering. I have prepared a video where I explain all well and where you can see some moments of the dinner. I hope you like it!

Chity & Carlos

wow so so yummy
¡Me parto con el momento "calamares"!
ResponderEliminarUna locura de experiencia, le echaré un vistazo.
Miriana's World Blog
La tortilla está hecha con harina de garbanzo y está riquísima.
ResponderEliminarBesitos: Eva
Eso era!! gracias Eva :) estaba impresionante de rica. Un beso!
Eliminaroh! me dio un hambre con estas imágenes jaja
ResponderEliminartodo se ve increíble! nunca en mi vida he probado comida vegana pero me entraron unas ganas tremendas!
el video fue muy entretenido haha
ayyyy cómo molaaaa :D
ResponderEliminarpues me ha llamado mucho la atención la idea de la web
y bueno, la comida se ve reeeee rica
Muchas gracias por leerme y comentar / Thank you so much for reading and comment