Dan (@danotavailable) ha sido el último y perfecto fichaje para esas conversaciones que a mucha de mi gente cercana le parecerían absurdas pero que yo necesito compartir con alguien. ¿Quién sino ellos (a parte de mi amiga Inés) entendería mis películas girly, mis épocas viendo The Hills, The city, The Rachel Zoe project, 90210, The September issue o los reportajes sobre Victoria Beckham y su carrera profesional como diseñadora de moda?. No sólo no me juzgan sino que muchas veces comparten mi obsesión por algunas absurdeces.
No se si os pasará lo mismo, pero hay veces que te ves dentro de una rutina muy absorbente, donde se mezcla el ocio y el trabajo, y es sano desconectar. Con mis amigos de la carrera tengo otro tipo de feeling, nos entendemos en mil aspectos que nadie más entendería. Somos cómplices de un modo de vida y un ritmos que no todo el mundo comprendería. Pero faltan las otras cosas, aquellas que te hacen perder el tiempo o las que simplemente usas de distracción cuando quieres olvidarte por unas horas del proyecto que tienes que entregar la semana siguiente. Me encanta tener estos ratos con ellos, donde la arquitectura pasa a un segundo plano y puedo hablar de aquellas cosas que forman parte de mí pero que nunca creí compartir con nadie.

Having an orange and carrot juice, going to the new Forever21 store or simply an afterwork, any excuse is perfect to catch up. With Sil (@sil_lohdz) and Javo (@laotrahorma) I have been practicing these evenings-about-architecture-evasion for about six years. This are a very healthy meeting, like going to the gym or the spa, I could say that it is a time dedicated time to myself. I expose my most ridiculous hobbies and my fashion interests.
Dan (@danotavailable) was the last and the perfect one to join those conversations that many of my close people would consider absurd, but I need to share them with someone. Who else but them (apart from my friend Ines) understand my girly movies, my time watching The Hills, The city, The Rachel Zoe Project, 90210, The September issue or the reports about Victoria Beckham as a fashion designer ?. Not only they do not judge me but often they share my obsession for some silly things.
Maybe it is the same for you, but sometimes I have an absorbent routine, where leisure and work is mixed, and is healthy to disconnect. With my architecture friends I have another type of feeling, we understand eachother in a thousand ways that no one else would do. We are complicit in a way of life and rhythms that not everyone would get. But there are other things missing, those that make you waste your time or simply you use as a distraction when you want to forget for a few hours about a project you have to finish for the following week. I love having these moments with them, where architecture goes backward and I can talk about those things I like but I never thought I could share with anyone.
Having an orange and carrot juice, going to the new Forever21 store or simply an afterwork, any excuse is perfect to catch up. With Sil (@sil_lohdz) and Javo (@laotrahorma) I have been practicing these evenings-about-architecture-evasion for about six years. This are a very healthy meeting, like going to the gym or the spa, I could say that it is a time dedicated time to myself. I expose my most ridiculous hobbies and my fashion interests.
Dan (@danotavailable) was the last and the perfect one to join those conversations that many of my close people would consider absurd, but I need to share them with someone. Who else but them (apart from my friend Ines) understand my girly movies, my time watching The Hills, The city, The Rachel Zoe Project, 90210, The September issue or the reports about Victoria Beckham as a fashion designer ?. Not only they do not judge me but often they share my obsession for some silly things.
Maybe it is the same for you, but sometimes I have an absorbent routine, where leisure and work is mixed, and is healthy to disconnect. With my architecture friends I have another type of feeling, we understand eachother in a thousand ways that no one else would do. We are complicit in a way of life and rhythms that not everyone would get. But there are other things missing, those that make you waste your time or simply you use as a distraction when you want to forget for a few hours about a project you have to finish for the following week. I love having these moments with them, where architecture goes backward and I can talk about those things I like but I never thought I could share with anyone.
73 questions. Las cosas que me enseña Javo

cute little girls
Cute grown girls

Esos ratitos son los mejores!
ResponderEliminarUn beso
Thinking About Clothes
¡¡Juls!! ¡Cuántos momentos! Y qué bonito que conservemos todos estos recuerdos que has recopilado en fotos (Hola la foto de Valencia jajaja). Me siento afortunada por tener a alguien como tú a mi alrededor más cercano. Nuestra amistad es tan casual como predestinada y me gusta pensar que cada vez nos unen más cosas.
ResponderEliminarCómo me alegro de desconectar contigo y cómo me alegra saber que ya es para siempre.
Te quiere mucho y con locura,
Julia ya estoy de vuelta.
ResponderEliminarQué bonito el post. A Sil y a Javo también los voy siguiendo y me encantan los posts de Sil, de verdad. Las fotos de tu y ella transmiten muchísimo feeling. Qué suerte este grupillo que teneis para tonterías "fashion".
Un saludo guapa
Muchas gracias por leerme y comentar / Thank you so much for reading and comment